Vida Habitat for Humanity Nova Scotia


Kentville, Canada

The urban composition and the outside spaces articulation pursues the image of a neighborhood where future inhabitants can feel part of the community in the sense of belonging.
The distribution of the volumes within the plot defines a sequence of several outdoor urban living rooms that returns one urban space. The proportions of the buildings and streets are related to the size of the human body, defining the new neighborhood on a human scale. The proportions suggest a domestic dimension of the urban space.
The road that connects the two driveway entrances at the lot and runs along the perimeter of the lot allows to reach the parkings for to the inhabitants. This distribution guarantees to obtain a neighborhood free from cars.
The nature in the neighborhood plays a key role. A direct relationship with nature generate an intimate coexistence for human and establishes a continuous interaction between man and the environment. For this reason, the distribution of residential volumes derives from the possibility of being able to bring nature into the neighborhood both visually and physically.
The continuity and alternation of the green areas, the design and the materials used in the paved areas providing an atmosphere of serenity and well-being in the name of a slow life made up of small discoveries to live in an eco-friendly lifestyle.


Vida Habitat for Humanity Nova Scotia


Samuel Quagliotto


Kentville, Canada

Design year



Competition entry



Public Spaces, Residential / Housing